Volunteer Positions

Discover the value of being a Station Leader at Treasured VBS!

Sing & Play Rock Leader:

  • Become familiar with the helpful material in the Sing & Play Rock Leader Manual.

  • Learn the awesome Treasured songs and motions so you can lead kids in several songs each day.

  • Brush up on the Bible story in advance, and use the daily Bible Point often during the opening activities.

  • Share the excitement as kids report their daily God Sightings.

  • Participate in leading songs at the Closing Quest program each day.

Imagination Station Leader

  • Become familiar with the helpful material in the Imagination Station Leader Manual, and try out all the Sciency-Fun Gizmos™ in advance!

  • Collect all the listed supplies for your awesome activities.

  • Use the daily Bible Point often as you lead sessions of Imagination Station every day, and help kids connect the fun experiments to Bible truths.

KidVid Cinema Leader

  • Put on your “techie hat” and set up a TV and DVD player to show the special KidVid™ Stories: Priceless to God DVD during sessions of KidVid Cinema each day.

  • Become familiar with the helpful material in the KidVid Cinema Leader Manual.

  • Use the daily Bible Point often as you guide Crews in thought-provoking experiences and heart-touching discussions.

Vine Dining Snacks Leader

  • Use the Vine Dining Snacks Leader Manual to gather all the food and kitchen supplies for the yummy, creative snacks.

  • Set up the snack preparation area, and guide your kitchen staff volunteers in making the snacks each day.

  • Explain how snack time will work for the week, and then allow Crews to relax and enjoy special befriending time as they eat each day.

Jungle Gym Games Leader

  • Help build enthusiasm for Operation Kid-to-Kid™. Starting on Day 2, each day includes a game option connecting to the Operation Kid-toKid mission project.

  • Check out all the awesome game options in the Jungle Gym Games Leader Manual, and choose two games for each day.

  • Collect all the listed supplies for the games you plan to lead.

  • Lead Crews in the fun at sessions of Jungle Gym Games each day.

  • Help the Spotlight VBS Leader with a cool photoshoot during one games session each day as kids star in a VBS slideshow that everyone will watch at Closing Quest.

Bible Adventures Leader

  • Become familiar with the helpful material in the Bible Adventures Leader Manual.

  • Use the great decorating ideas to set up your Bible Adventures area— you’ll transport kids back to Bible times in unforgettable ways!

  • Gather the listed supplies and props for each day’s activities.

  • Recruit one or two “sidekick” assistants to help with your special effects.

  • Use the Bible Point often as you lead children through incredible and interactive learning activities that make the Bible stories come alive in sessions of Bible Adventures each day.

Closing Quest Leader

  • Become familiar with the helpful material in the Closing Quest Leader Manual.

  • Collect the listed supplies for the Closing Quest activities, and set up the required props each day.

  • Practice the Closing Quest script ahead of time, and recruit other volunteers and kids as your assistants.

  • Be a go-to person for the Treasured Director when extra help is needed.

  • Be ready to enthusiastically lead Closing Quest for the entire VBS at the end of each day with lots of fun-filled activities that help kids discover incredible truths about how they’re treasured by God.

Regardless of your position, you will be provided with adequate training.

At the end of the day, our goal is to help kids uncover the truth-God treasures them!